Mastery + Implementation Live Calls Start:
May 12th

Access Self-Paced Pre-Training Curriculum Immediately 

Yoga Alliance Approved 200-Hour Training 

Space is Limited

Pay in Full & Your Manual + Shipping is FREE

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  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full (FREE manual + worldwide shipping)$2750.00
  • Preferred option
    4 Part Payment Plan ($49 manual + $712.50 paid today, & $712 each month for 3 months)3x $712.50/mo
  • Preferred option
    5 Part Payment Plan ($49 manual + $570 paid today, & $570 each month for 4 months)4x $570.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    6 Part Payment Plan ($49 manual + $475 paid today, & $475 each month for 5 months)5x $475.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    *Extended Payment Plan ($49 manual + $299 paid today, & $199 a month for 13 months)13x $199.00/mo

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Tuition payments are non refundable since all course material is released to you immediately upon purchase. We cannot apply tuition credit to Uplifted™ membership payments, Pregnant & Powerful™ products, DVDs, journals or any other products other than teacher training. Your spot in teacher training is non-transferable, so cannot be used by any person other than you.

Deferment Policy
You may choose to defer your enrollment to the following training class anytime up to 30 days prior to the start of training live calls. This is free of charge. Simply let us know by writing.

In placing your order, you acknowledge you've read and agree to our tuition refund and deferment policies: Namaste!
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    You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

    Completing payment with PayPal

    Make payment safely with our secure checkout

    • Is it true I can register for the Yoga Alliance once I graduate from this online training?
      Yes! We've been a Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance, ID 197303 since 2016. Yoga Alliance now sanctions online and distance learning for the RYT 200 designation. Once you receive your certificate you have the option to join Yoga Alliance.
    • Can I start training before the mastery and implementation live call date I am registering for?
      Yes! The moment you enroll for ANY upcoming training date, all your self-paced pre-training curriculum is unlocked immediately and your manual ships. This is ideal, as it gives you the needed time to move through the all the home study curriculum at your own pace -- a pre-requisite to the Mastery + Implementation Live Calls.
    • Can I do this Uplifted™ YTT if I’m a beginner?
      Yes! If you are feeling called to teach or simply deepen your yogic knowledge, you should do YTT! You are not asked or expected to do any “advanced” poses that are not part of your own practice. Our focus is helping you learn safe alignment, how to cue, and why some poses may not be suitable for every body.
    • Can I do an Uplifted™ YTT with an injury?
      Absolutely! Everyone is coming to yoga with a different background. The most important thing (more than time or years spent practicing) is your passion and dedication/commitment to your own personal practice. We believe that if you are feeling called to teach, you should do it!
    • *EXTENDED PAYMENT PLAN - I'm excited to take advantage of this payment option, when will I receive my certificate?
      We are SO excited to be offering this affordable option to our students! When you register via the extended payment plan option, you will receive all your self-paced pre-training curriculum immediately, attend the mastery and implementation live calls with your registered cohort, and submit graduation materials with your class. Your certificate will be emailed to you once your payments have completed. If you wish to pay your balance early email in for steps on how to to do this. See you in class!
    Want your training manual free?

    Pay in full today and we not only gift you your printed training manual for free, we will also ship it to you free anywhere in the world!

    This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I love how Brett trains teachers with her key message: To find our own unique style and voice.
    Raquelle F.
    Brett's passion for yoga philosophy and meeting people where they are created a warm, deeply sensible way of relating. It brought clarity to what's important for the poses, and why -- with way more examples than I could have gotten with an in-person YTT.
    Michael S.
    Washington State  

    • Total payment
    • 1x200hr YTT Intensive: Uplifted 200 Hour YTT$0
    • Shipping$0

    All prices in USD

    Some shipping carriers require a phone number for delivery of your manual (especially internationally). Please enter your phone number for successful delivery of your YTT manual.


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